On behalf of the officers and staff of IUOE Local 793, I would like to wish all union members and their families a joyous holiday season.

Christmas is a time for relaxing with family and friends, remembering the past and hoping for the future.

I encourage all members to take some time during the Yuletide season to spend time with their loved ones.

Personally, I would like to thank all members for the support you have given the officers and I in 2016. We had a very good year. We achieved industry-leading collective bargaining settlements, our pension plan is healthy and our finances are in good shape.

We are looking forward to a prosperous 2017.

I hope that this holiday season brings you and your families plenty of joy and good times.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Fraternally Yours,




Mike Gallagher
Business Manager
IUOE Local 793