Training Minister Speaks at Fundraiser

Training, Colleges and Universities Minister Brad Duguid says the provincial Liberal government wants to work with labour unions and young people to build a better Ontario. He told an audience in Local 793’s banquet hall Jan. 23 that the Conservatives, meanwhile, are intent on destroying unions. “The Conservatives decided they want to declare war on labour and we can’t let that happen,” he said. Duguid was guest speaker at a fundraiser for Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn. In his remarks, he said the provincial Liberals have worked hard to create a […]

Training, Colleges and Universities Minister Brad Duguid says the provincial Liberal government wants to work with labour unions and young people to build a better Ontario.

He told an audience in Local 793’s banquet hall Jan. 23 that the Conservatives, meanwhile, are intent on destroying unions.

“The Conservatives decided they want to declare war on labour and we can’t let that happen,” he said.

Duguid was guest speaker at a fundraiser for Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn.

In his remarks, he said the provincial Liberals have worked hard to create a good labour relations climate in Ontario, yet Conservative leader Tim Hudak is intent on destroying that.

Duguid told the audience that if Hudak is elected, labour would go back to the days of Mike Harris and protests on the front law of Queen’s Park.

By contrast, he noted, the Liberals want to “go forward” with labour and young people.

Duguid said the Liberals will stand up for labour and not let the Conservatives drive down wages.

He also spoke about the track record of the provincial Liberals in creating jobs for young people.

He said 6,463 young people have found jobs over the past four and a half years thanks to the Youth Employment Fund, and the program is well on its way to reaching the goal of 24,000.

“We are proud of the fact what we’ve developed here is working.”

The Fund is part of the government’s new Youth Jobs Strategy, which is helping young people across the province get work experience, start a business or build job skills.

Duguid said the provincial government is creating jobs by investing in the education system and Ontario is leading the world when it comes to post-secondary education.

He noted that the corporate tax rate in Ontario is the lowest in North America and, as a result, has helped attract 435,000 jobs to the province since the recession.

He said the Liberal government’s economic plan entails investing in people while the NDP plan is to tax corporations.

Meanwhile, he said, the so-called Million Jobs Plan proposed by Hudak would actually take away job creation and result in jobs being cut in education and health care.

“That’s wrong-headed. It’s bad economics and bad for our community.”

Oakville MPP Flynn told the audience that people keep telling the provincial government to be fiscally responsible and control spending, but also to keep investing in infrastructure.

He said the province is doing that through its economic plan for growth.

Construction Sites Focus of Winter Safety Blitz

Ontario has launched a province-wide safety blitz of construction projects at commercial and industrial facilities to ensure they have the proper protections in place to keep workers safe. In January, Ministry of Labour inspectors are inspecting a range of workplaces across Ontario that are undergoing major renovations, repairs or additions. The inspectors are focused on making sure: Workers are protected from airborne substances, hazardous materials and extreme noise levels. Workers are protected when equipment and hazardous materials are stored and moved. Personal protective equipment is available and that workers are […]

Ontario has launched a province-wide safety blitz of construction projects at commercial and industrial facilities to ensure they have the proper protections in place to keep workers safe.

In January, Ministry of Labour inspectors are inspecting a range of workplaces across Ontario that are undergoing major renovations, repairs or additions.

The inspectors are focused on making sure:

  • Workers are protected from airborne substances, hazardous materials and extreme noise levels.
  • Workers are protected when equipment and hazardous materials are stored and moved.
  • Personal protective equipment is available and that workers are trained on its use.
  • Emergency contingency plans are in place and communicated to workers and others at the workplace.

The blitz is part of the province’s Safe at Work Ontario strategy.

Labour Minister Yasir Naqvi said building a culture of health and safety is good for workers and the economy.

“These safety blitzes are a key part of our constant focus on protecting all workers in the workplace and making sure they go home to their families at the end of the day.”

Chief Prevention Officer George Gritziotis said workers can be exposed to construction hazards created by high noise levels, construction traffic and dangerous substances such as asbestos, lead and silica.

“We’re working to improve the health and safety of workers in Ontario,” he said.

Since 2008, ministry inspectors have conducted 59 inspection blitzes and 345,000 field visits.

Changes Announced to Executive Board

Local 793 business manager Mike Gallagher has announced a number of changes to the executive of the union. The changes were prompted by the resignation of financial secretary John W. Anderson who is leaving to take up a new position and challenge as an administrator at Global Benefits. A meeting of the union officers was held Jan. 3 to appoint a replacement. In accordance with Article XXIV, Subdivision 1, Section F of the union’s Constitution, the officers voted unanimously to appoint Rick Kerr as financial secretary. He had been vice-president. […]

L to R are: executive board member Ron Hillis, executive board member Robert Turpin, treasurer Alex Law, business manager Mike Gallagher, executive board member Bob McQueen, president Joe Redshaw, executive board member Joel Collens, financial secretary Rick Kerr, executive board member Dave Turple, recording-corresponding secretary Brian Alexander, and executive board member Bill Boyle.

Local 793 business manager Mike Gallagher has announced a number of changes to the executive of the union.

The changes were prompted by the resignation of financial secretary John W. Anderson who is leaving to take up a new position and challenge as an administrator at Global Benefits.

A meeting of the union officers was held Jan. 3 to appoint a replacement.

In accordance with Article XXIV, Subdivision 1, Section F of the union’s Constitution, the officers voted unanimously to appoint Rick Kerr as financial secretary. He had been vice-president.

The officers also voted to:

  • Appoint Joe Dowdall as vice-president. He had been recording-corresponding secretary.
  • Appoint Brian Alexander as recording-corresponding secretary. He had been an executive board member.
  • Appoint David Turple as an executive board member.

The officers were sworn in at an executive board meeting Jan. 13.

Article VII of Local 793’s bylaws state that if a vacancy occurs in any office or on the executive board, it shall be filled in accordance with Article XXIV, subdivision 1, section f of the Constitution.

Following is the executive of the union:

Business Manager
Mike Gallagher

Joe Redshaw

Vice President
Joe Dowdall

Alex Law

Financial Secretary
Rick Kerr

Recording-Corresponding Secretary
Brian Alexander

Executive Board
Dave Turple
Bill Boyle
Joel Collens
Ron Hillis
Bob McQueen
Robert Turpin

Steve Deady
Robbie Hierons
John Monti

Andre Chenier
Jonathan Sprung
Robert Taddei

Shane McComb

Brad Sisler

Photos Sought for Commemorative Publication

2014 is the 95th anniversary year of Local 793. To mark the occasion we will be producing a special commemorative publication later this year. We are looking for photos from the past that we can print in the publication. We are also looking for recollections or stories that members might have about the union that we can use as part of the narrative. If you have any material that could be included in the publication, please send it to Director of Communications Grant Cameron via email at You can […]

2014 is the 95th anniversary year of Local 793.

To mark the occasion we will be producing a special commemorative publication later this year.

We are looking for photos from the past that we can print in the publication. We are also looking for recollections or stories that members might have about the union that we can use as part of the narrative.

If you have any material that could be included in the publication, please send it to Director of Communications Grant Cameron via email at

You can also send the information by mail to:

Grant Cameron
Director of Communications
IUOE Local 793
2245 Speers Rd.
Oakville, Ont.
L6L 6X8