May 8, 2020 Dear Brothers and Sisters: Re: IUOE Local 793 2020 Nomination and Election Update I am writing further to my letter dated April 9, 2020 with a further update on behalf of the IUOE Local 793 Election Committee (“Election Committee”). The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a fluid situation. As of today, there is no sense of when Local 793 will be permitted to hold regular monthly meetings in the normal course. In recognition of the fact that the only step in the election process which requires in-person […]
May 8, 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Re: IUOE Local 793 2020 Nomination and Election Update
I am writing further to my letter dated April 9, 2020 with a further update on behalf of the IUOE Local 793 Election Committee (“Election Committee”).
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a fluid situation. As of today, there is no sense of when Local 793 will be permitted to hold regular monthly meetings in the normal course.
In recognition of the fact that the only step in the election process which requires in-person attendance is the nomination of candidates as all other aspects are done via mail-in ballot, the Election Committee has sought further advice from our International in Washington and General President Callahan to allow the election to move forward. The enclosed Notice provides the modified election schedule.
It is important to note that nominations will be held in the month of June on the dates when regularly scheduled monthly meetings would have occurred in each district. We have outlined a procedure in the attached Notice to ensure that nominations can be made in person but in a safe manner that takes every reasonable precaution to protect against COVID-19.
We are confident that allowing the nominations to move forward in the month of June in the manner outlined herein is the right decision in order to avoid delaying the election unnecessarily.
Yours truly,
Alex Law
Chair, IUOE Local 793 Elections Committee

During the month of June 2020, nominations will be held for the upcoming election in September 2020.
The offices to be filled are:
- President (1)
- Vice-President (1)
- Recording-Corresponding Secretary (1)
- Financial Secretary (1)
- Treasurer (1)
- Business Manager (1)
- Trustees (3)
- Auditors (3)
- Conductor (1)
- Guard (1)
- Executive Board Members (6)
The election will be held in accordance with Article XXIV, Subdivision 1, Section (b) of the Constitution, and Article XXVI, Section 1, (h) and (j) of the Constitution.
The following list provides the date, time and location for the nomination meeting to be held in each district.
TIMMINS – June 3, 2020
54 Waterloo Rd., Unit 2, Timmins. 7:30 p.m. 1st Wednesday of the month.
OSHAWA – June 4, 2020
1255 Terwillegar Ave., Unit 7, Oshawa. 7 p.m. 1st Thursday of the month.
THUNDER BAY – June 4, 2020
979 Alloy Drive, Suite 101, Thunder Bay. 7 p.m. 1st Thursday of the month.
ST. CATHARINES – June 9, 2020
188 Bunting Rd., Unit 5, St. Catharines. 7:30 p.m. 2nd Tuesday of the month.
WINDSOR – June 9, 2020
3383 Walker Rd., Windsor. 7 p.m. 2nd Tuesday of the month.
SAULT STE. MARIE – June 10, 2020
432 Great Northern Rd., Suite 203, Sault Ste. Marie. 7:30 p.m. 2nd Wednesday of the month.
CAMBRIDGE – June 10, 2020
55 Fleming Drive, Unit 26, Cambridge. 7:30 p.m. 2nd Wednesday of the month.
SUDBURY – June 16, 2020
430 Westmount Ave., Unit H, Sudbury. 7 p.m. 3rd Tuesday of the month.
TORONTO – June 17, 2020
2245 Speers Rd., Oakville. 7:30 p.m. 3rd Wednesday of the month.
BELLEVILLE – June 23, 2020
1 Millennium Pkwy., Suite 102, Belleville. 7 p.m. 4th Tuesday of the month.
LONDON – June 23, 2020
4096 Meadowbrook Dr., Unit 115, London. 7 p.m. 4th Tuesday of the month.
HAMILTON – June 24, 2020
35 Goderich Rd., Unit 5, Hamilton. 7:30 p.m. 4th Wednesday of the month.
OTTAWA – June 24, 2020
174 Colonnade Rd. S., Unit 2, Nepean. 7 p.m. 4th Wednesday of the month.
NORTH BAY – June 24, 2020
Holiday Inn Express & Suites, 1325 Seymour St., North Bay. 7:30 p.m. 4th Wednesday of the month.
BARRIE – June 25, 2020
240 Bayview Drive, Unit 12, Barrie. 7:30 p.m. 4th Thursday of the month.
SARNIA – June 25, 2020
1390A Lougar Ave., Sarnia. 7 p.m. 4th Thursday of the month.

This is an election year for the members of Local 793, and all of the correspondence on this important issue should be read carefully.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has resulted in the closure of many businesses and a prohibition on group gatherings or meetings, Local 793 remains unable to hold regular monthly membership meetings at this time.
Normally, nominations would be made during regular monthly meetings in the month of May. We recognize that because of COVID-19, we cannot comply with every constitutional requirement if we are to proceed with the election.
However, in consultation with IUOE General President Callahan, to the extent the following procedure departs from the Constitution, the General President has used his executive power to allow a modification to the rules to allow elections to move forward in the manner proposed herein.
Rules and procedures of the 2020 election shall be as follows:
1. Election of Officers and Executive Board Members of Local 793 shall be conducted as per Article XXIV, Subdivision 1, Section (b) of the Constitution, and Article XXVI, Section 1, (h) and (j) of the Constitution.
2. Notice of the upcoming election is enclosed.
3. Nominations shall be conducted by districts and sub-districts in June 2020.
4. Letters of acceptance from nominees shall be returned in stamped self-addressed envelopes to the Recording-Corresponding Secretary of Local 793 within ten (10) days after having been notified by the Recording-Corresponding Secretary of their nomination to Local Union office. Letters of acceptance shall be opened by the Recording-Corresponding Secretary by Monday, July 20, 2020, in the presence of members of the Election Committee. This will be the only accepted method.
5. The election shall be by mail referendum conducted by a secret ballot.
6. Elections shall be conducted by the Election Committee.
7. The Financial Secretary shall be responsible to provide a complete up-to-date list of all members eligible to receive a ballot by no later than Monday, July 20, 2020.
8. Ballots shall be mailed by Tuesday, August 4, 2020, and received no later than Wednesday, September 2, 2020, and shall be counted on Thursday, September 3, 2020.
9. Any candidate or their representative may be present at the counting of the ballots.
10. Each Committee Member shall receive a copy of all incoming correspondence pertaining to the election.
11. No member shall be in good standing unless they have paid all current dues to the Local in the month in which they are due and all current years’ assessments are paid in full no later than June 30, 2020.
12. Members’ names identified on the June 2020 suspension list (unless identified by error) shall not be eligible to receive a ballot.
13. Any member may contact the Election Committee by writing to the Election Committee Secretary, IUOE, Local 793, 2245 Speers Road, Oakville, Ont., L6L 6X8.
Terms of office and conditions of eligibility are printed in the spring 2020 issue of the 793 Operator and also available on the union website at

In order to facilitate the nomination process for the upcoming election while maintaining the members’ health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, the following safety measures have been implemented:
1. Members who wish to cast their nomination shall attend their respective area offices and must line up outside said office with a minimum separation of 2 metres between each individual in line (temporary chalk markers shall be outlined on the pavement to ensure mandated social distancing protocols are followed);
2. Only one member shall be permitted inside the office at a time to cast their nomination;
3. IUOE Local 793 staff shall have a check point set up at the entrance to the building wherein all members must have their temperatures taken prior to being granted entry to the building (any member who is screened positive for a fever will not be permitted entry);
4. Thermometers used to screen members shall be contactless, meaning temperatures will be taken from a safe distance;
5. This same staff shall ask each member screening questions to ensure they do not pose a risk to other members/staff. This includes “Have you been tested positive for COVID-19? Are you experiencing any symptoms of illness, including even minor cold/flu symptoms? Have you recently travelled? Have you been in contact with anyone else who has tested positive for COVID-19, displayed symptoms of illness, or recently travelled?” If a member answers yes to any of these questions they will not be permitted entry to the building.
6. Each member must use a pump of hand sanitizer prior to entering the building, and another upon exiting the building, to prevent cross contamination;
7. Each member shall be provided their own pen to use when completing the nomination in order to prevent cross contamination;
8. A self-seal express post envelope shall be available in the office for the members to place their own nomination into without requiring contact;
9. Since studies have shown that COVID-19 can survive on cardboard for 24hours, the nominations shall remain sealed in the express post envelope for a minimum of 24hours after nominations, in order to prevent contamination during processing;
10. All staff present to assist members and screen members prior to entry shall be equipped with masks and gloves;
11. If any member does not feel comfortable entering the building to cast their nomination, they shall be provided a nomination form outside the building and allowed to cast their nomination outside.