Two proposed amendments to the by-laws governing IUOE Local 793’s election processes have been overwhelmingly accepted and will now come into immediate effect. The following amendments were made following a referendum vote of Union members on November 3, 2023. Amendment to Article X – Delegates to Conventions In conformity with Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution, six (6) elected officers of the Local Union designated by these by-laws as delegates to all General Conventions of the International Union of the Operating Engineers shall be the Business Manager, President, Vice […]
Two proposed amendments to the by-laws governing IUOE Local 793’s election processes have been overwhelmingly accepted and will now come into immediate effect.
The following amendments were made following a referendum vote of Union members on November 3, 2023.
Amendment to Article X – Delegates to Conventions
In conformity with Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution, six (6) elected officers of the Local Union designated by these by-laws as delegates to all General Conventions of the International Union of the Operating Engineers shall be the Business Manager, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording-Corresponding Secretary, and Financial Secretary.
Explanation: This recommendation is consistent with the Constitution and ensures that all elected officers automatically attend General Convention. All other participants will still need to be elected to attend General Convention.
Amendment to Article VIII – Elections – Nominating Petitions
In accordance with Article XXIV, Subdivision 1, Section B of the Constitution, any candidate for Local Union Office must submit a nominating petition in support of his/her candidacy, signed by not less than 200 members in good standing or 2% of the entire membership, whichever is less. Nominating petitions will be available not less than 60 days prior to the nomination meeting and will be supplied on a form authorized by the Election Committee. Nominating petitions must be received by the election committee on or before the last day of nominations.
Explanation: The recommendation is consistent with the Constitution and consistent with what other large locals of IUOE have instituted. Requiring signatures for all nominees, including incumbent nominees who currently hold office, ensures that candidates for Local Union office are serious about running in the election and are not just accepting a nomination because another member nominated them. It also discloses that there is some support from the membership for their candidacy which speaks to their good character and reputation within the membership. Elected Union officials are responsible for helping manage a multi-billion dollar pension plan, chair key collective agreement negotiations, interact with government officials and lead the Local with the highest standards of ethics, morals and leadership. Nomination signatures adds an additional layer of vetting by members to ensure quality candidates of good character and reputation. Finally, running a contested election costs the Local Union in excess of $100,000.00 per election. If a member wishing to run for election is able to obtain the requisite 200 signatures, this indicates a minimum threshold of support enabling the process to move forward without the Local Union incurring substantial unnecessary costs.
Audited numbers showed that the amendments received strong support, with 90% and 91% of the votes in favour, respectively.
The two recommended amendments were put forth by the Election Committee and unanimously approved by the By-Law Committee, Executive Board, and most recently, at the General Membership meeting on September 24, 2023.
IUOE General President James T. Callahan has been informed of the by-law changes.
“On behalf of the Officers and Executive Board of IUOE Local 793, I would like to thank our Brothers and Sisters for voting to accept these positive changes to the election process, as per the Constitution,” Business Manager Mike Gallagher said. “The results indicate significant support for these changes.”
The Local 793 By-law Committee comprises of Dan Davey, Alex Law, Vince Prout and Curtis Hynds. Voting was overseen by the accounting company Prentice Yates & Clark.