Local 793 members are seen here displaying the 100th anniversary flag atop a Liebherr LB 36 foundational drilling rig.
Marthon Underground Constructors Corp. is working on the DT-CSST Project on the corner of Kent and Slater Streets in Ottawa, a very busy corner in the central downtown area.
This team of Local 793 members are using the LB 36 to drill a 4-metre wide man-hole access that is 26.2 metres deep, through three meters of overburden and 23.2 metres of rock.
Operations manager Pierre Vallieres from Marathon Underground Constructors commented of the great team he has on this job.
Local 793 members seen in the main photo are (L to R) mobile crane apprentice Travis Emmerson, equipment operator Steve Burnham and crane operator McGyver Barber.