Today marks the 127th anniversary of the International Union of Operating Engineers, when eleven determined steam engineers set in motion the formation of what would become, and remains today, one of the strongest labour unions fighting for working men and women in North America.

The officers and executive board members of Local 793 congratulate the IUOE in achieving this milestone.

On December 7, 1896, eleven men met in Chicago and organized the National Union of Steam Engineers of America. They were tired of the terrible work conditions and the 60-90 hour work weeks for very low wages. They knew that joining together in a union was the only way they could improve their work lives.

A year later, the first Canadian workers joined the young union and to reflect this expansion across the border, the name was changed to the International Union of Steam Engineers.

The union dropped the word “steam” in 1928, as both the technology and the scope of labour had moved beyond steam technology.

Today, all IUOE members are reaping the rewards of the sacrifices of their forerunners. Their foresight for safer working condition and fair wages has help thousands of families and will continue to help thousands more in the future.

CLICK HERE to read more on the history of IUOE
CLICK HERE to read about the history of IUOE Local 793