The third installment of IUOE Local 793’s 100th anniversary celebrations took place at Ojibway Park in Sault Ste. Marie on Sunday.
A great day was planned which included bouncy castles, football toss and kick and a “fish pond,” with some games of skill for the adults.
Participants received a union t-shirt, a 100th anniversary frisbee, and other great merchandise. Children were given the opportunity to make their own treat bags, which was a big success.
Following a hearty lunch, Sault Ste. Marie business rep John Miners and Timmins business rep Tyler L. Levesque gave out raffle draw prizes, such as a Shop-Vac, beauty baskets, gift certificates and other great prizes.
Local 793 encourages all members and family to attend these 100th anniversary celebrations as they roll out provincewide.
Photo credit: Robert Turpin and Kirk Fournier