Local 793 members pump 6,700m3 of concrete at Sugar Wharf project
Written by Local 793 Staff
On Saturday, March 30 Local 793 members were on-site for Pumpcrete with six trucks pumping 6,700m3 of concrete for the Menkes – Sugar Wharf project at Cooper St and Queens Quay in Toronto. One tower crane with Verdi assisted on the pour. Local 793 members on-site this day included Sean Kerby, Rob Epstein, Jake Stevenson, Ray Sharpe, Andrew Campbell, James Tanner, Matt Trudel, Trevor Thorn and Local 793 steward Craig Agar.
Local 793 steward Craig AgarLocal 793 member Trevor Thorn(L to R) Local 793 members Matt Trudel and James Tanner(L to R) Local 793 members Rob Epstein and Sean KerbyStanding, looking at the pour are Local 793 steward Craig Agar and Local 793 business representatives Jordan Glendenning and Mike Chianello. Andy CampbellLocal 793 member Ray SharpeLocal 793 member Jake Stevenson