Golf Tournament Raises $100,000 for Cancer Research

More than 230 golfers participated in the third annual Gary O’Neill Memorial Golf Tournament held at RattleSnake Point Golf Club in Milton on June 16. The event, sponsored by Local 793, raised $100,000 for the esophageal cancer program at University Health Network. At a luncheon following the golf tournament, Local 793 president Joe Redshaw thanked the sponsors, contractors, officers, members, executive board and staff of the union for once again making the event a success. “I would like to thank everybody for their contributions and helping us raise money for […]

GolfMore than 230 golfers participated in the third annual Gary O’Neill Memorial Golf Tournament held at RattleSnake Point Golf Club in Milton on June 16.

The event, sponsored by Local 793, raised $100,000 for the esophageal cancer program at University Health Network.

At a luncheon following the golf tournament, Local 793 president Joe Redshaw thanked the sponsors, contractors, officers, members, executive board and staff of the union for once again making the event a success.

“I would like to thank everybody for their contributions and helping us raise money for this great cause,” he said.

Dr. Tom Waddell, head of thoracic surgery at University Health Network (UHN), also spoke at the luncheon, telling golfers that the money from the tournament enables vital research to be done.

“We’re putting your money to good use in developing new programs for patients and scientific research to make the whole care of these patients much better.”

Dr. Waddell said the funds have helped the UHN make significant strides in research and clinical programs to detect and prevent esophageal cancer.

He said Dr. Gail Darling, director of thoracic surgery clinical research at Toronto General Hospital, is making excellent use of the money raised at the tournament.
Dr. Darling is evaluating a new screening test to help bolster early detection efforts, published a landmark study concerning esophageal tumors, and is working with Dr. Armand Keating to develop the world’s first clinical trial of immunotherapy for patients with esophageal cancer.

Dr. Waddell said early detection is key and with esophageal cancer that can be challenging because it’s hidden deep in a patient’s chest and is difficult to cure when the cancer reaches its later stages.

The doctor thanked golfers for participating in the event held annually in honour of O’Neill.
“He sounds like a remarkable man who is still, years after his passing, able to bring this many people together.”

O’Neill was president of Local 793 for 13 years until he passed away in 2011 due to cancer.

Golf Tournament Raises $100,000

The first ever Gary O’Neill Memorial Golf Tournament sponsored by Local 793 was a resounding success. More than 250 golfers participated in the June 29 event at Rattlesnake Point Golf Club in Milton. The event raised more than $100,000 for the esophageal cancer program at University Health Network in Toronto. At a luncheon following the tournament, Local 793 business manager Mike Gallagher thanked those who participated in the event. He noted that the money is going to a very good cause. Cancer is a horrible disease that takes people before […]

The first ever Gary O’Neill Memorial Golf Tournament sponsored by Local 793 was a resounding success.
More than 250 golfers participated in the June 29 event at Rattlesnake Point Golf Club in Milton.
The event raised more than $100,000 for the esophageal cancer program at University Health Network in Toronto.
At a luncheon following the tournament, Local 793 business manager Mike Gallagher thanked those who participated in the event.
He noted that the money is going to a very good cause.
Cancer is a horrible disease that takes people before their time, he told the audience. “You’ve done a good thing” by raising money for esophageal cancer research.
Gallagher said that late president Gary O’Neill would have been proud that Local 793 raised money for cancer research.
“We’re going to do this every single year and keep Gary’s memory alive well into the future,” he said.
IUOE Canadian regional director Jim Murphy told the audience that he’s pleased so many people participated in the tournament.
“What a great turnout for Gary,” he said.
Dr. Gail Darling, thoracic surgeon at Toronto General Hospital, thanked Local 793 and the construction industry for supporting the esophageal cancer program.
She said esophageal cancer is difficult to treat and the key is to develop techniques that lead to early detection of the disease.
The hospital is “especially grateful” for the support of the Operating Engineers, she said.
Following were major sponsors of the event:
Local 793 of the International Union of Operating Engineers
Global Benefit Plan Consultants Inc.
Crane Rental Association of Ontario
Morrison & Williams
Ontario Ironworkers District Council
International Union of Operating Engineers (head office – Washington) – Hole #3 Copperhead
RBC Dominion Securities- Hole #16 Sidewinder
Bondfield Construction
United Association of Plumbers & Pipefitters (UA)
Ridgewood Capital Asset Management
Aecon Construction & Materials Ltd.
Letko Brosseau
Artcraft Three Hands
Eckler Ltd.
Thistle Printing
Fengate Capital Management