News of a new partnership agreement between Local 793 and Baffinland Iron Mine was a wonderful way for the Local to kick off 100th anniversary celebrations, as more than 800 heavy equipment operators, haul truck drivers, skilled tradespeople and other workers at Nunavut’s Mary River iron mine ratified a collective agreement.
News of a new partnership agreement between Local 793 and Baffinland Iron Mine was a wonderful way for the Local to kick off 100th anniversary celebrations, as more than 800 heavy equipment operators, haul truck drivers, skilled tradespeople and other workers at Nunavut’s Mary River iron mine ratified a collective agreement.
In early Spring 2018, the Local embarked on plan at head office in Oakville where the OE Banquet Hall & Conference Centre would be extended to the east and doubled in size with capacity for 1,000 people.
In early Spring 2018, the Local embarked on plan at head office in Oakville where the OE Banquet Hall & Conference Centre would be extended to the east and doubled in size with capacity for 1,000 people.
In late 2017, a steel support structure was erected around a new Liebherr 85 EC-B 5 tower crane at the OETIO training campus in Oakville. The structure enabled the crane to be used for training students in top-and-bottom climbing procedures, putting Local 793 at the forefront of crane training.
In late 2017, a steel support structure was erected around a new Liebherr 85 EC-B 5 tower crane at the OETIO training campus in Oakville. The structure enabled the crane to be used for training students in top-and-bottom climbing procedures, putting Local 793 at the forefront of crane training.
In 2016, Local 793 completes a renovation and expansion project at the OETIO in Morrisburg.
In 2016, Local 793 completes a renovation and expansion project at the OETIO in Morrisburg.
On April 28, 2015, Local 793 officially dedicates a memorial garden and monument at head office.
On April 28, 2015, Local 793 officially dedicates a memorial garden and monument at head office.
In 2014, Local 793 receives news that its charter has been expanded by the IUOE.
In 2014, Local 793 receives news that its charter has been expanded by the IUOE.
In May 2012, heavy equipment operators in Essex and Kent counties spend 12 days on strike.
In May 2012, heavy equipment operators in Essex and Kent counties spend 12 days on strike.
Local 793 celebrates its 90th anniversary with a dinner-dance at The Royal York Hotel.
Local 793 celebrates its 90th anniversary with a dinner-dance at The Royal York Hotel.
Head office is named at the Oakville Urban Design Awards as the best commercial building.
Head office is named at the Oakville Urban Design Awards as the best commercial building.
On Aug. 19, 2005, a ribbon-cutting ceremony is held at the union’s new head office.
On Aug. 19, 2005, a ribbon-cutting ceremony is held at the union’s new head office.