Applying for an OETIO Apprenticeship is easy!

Attend a virtual information session. The next session is Wednesday, September 29, at 10am EDT. Visit to RSVP your spot today. 2. After you’ve attended an information session, you can apply by visiting  

  1. Attend a virtual information session. The next session is Wednesday, September 29, at 10am EDT. Visit to RSVP your spot today.

2. After you’ve attended an information session, you can apply by visiting


The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) supports COVID-19 vaccine mandates and the proof of vaccine certificates

The OHRC supports the position of organizations mandating COVID-19 vaccines and requiring proof of vaccination throughout the pandemic to protect people as long as protections are put in place to ensure people who are unable to be vaccinated are reasonably accommodated. The OHRC recognizes the importance of balancing people’s right to non-discrimination and civil liberties with public health and safety. They note that a person who chooses not to be vaccinated based on personal preference does not have the right to accommodation under the Code. While the Code prohibits discrimination based on […]

The OHRC supports the position of organizations mandating COVID-19 vaccines and requiring proof of vaccination throughout the pandemic to protect people as long as protections are put in place to ensure people who are unable to be vaccinated are reasonably accommodated.

The OHRC recognizes the importance of balancing people’s right to non-discrimination and civil liberties with public health and safety. They note that a person who chooses not to be vaccinated based on personal preference does not have the right to accommodation under the Code. While the Code prohibits discrimination based on creed, personal preferences or singular beliefs do not amount to a creed for the purposes of the Code.

The OHRC was established as an arm’s length agency of government in 1961 to prevent discrimination and to promote and advance human rights in Ontario.

Read the OHRC’s full statement:

Alberta’s COVID-19 crisis is getting worse – 100% of new ICU admissions were unvaccinated

Yesterday, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health announced in her COVID-19 update that “100% of new ICU admissions were in Albertans who did not have any vaccine protection”. Hinshaw further stressed the effectiveness of vaccines by stating that: “Albertans who have not been vaccinated are about 15 times more likely to end up in the hospital from COVID-19”; “They (people who are unvaccinated) are about 40 times more likely to be admitted to ICU.”; and “92 per cent of those in the ICU right now have not […]

Yesterday, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health announced in her COVID-19 update that “100% of new ICU admissions were in Albertans who did not have any vaccine protection”.

Hinshaw further stressed the effectiveness of vaccines by stating that:

  • “Albertans who have not been vaccinated are about 15 times more likely to end up in the hospital from COVID-19”;
  • “They (people who are unvaccinated) are about 40 times more likely to be admitted to ICU.”; and
  • “92 per cent of those in the ICU right now have not had both shots.”

To read the full article:

IUOE’s International Training & Education Center (ITEC) implements a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy to ensure a safe training environment for all

Last week, IUOE General President James T. Callahan decided to implement a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy at the ITEC in Crosby, Texas, effective October 1, 2021. This policy is being implemented due to a recent surge of COVID-19 cases led by the Delta variant, and to protect the health and safety of all members, as well as all other visitors, who will be attending training classes at, or otherwise visiting, the ITEC. To read IUOE General President James T. Callahan’s letter see the picture below. To read the ITEC Vaccination […]

Last week, IUOE General President James T. Callahan decided to implement a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy at the ITEC in Crosby, Texas, effective October 1, 2021. This policy is being implemented due to a recent surge of COVID-19 cases led by the Delta variant, and to protect the health and safety of all members, as well as all other visitors, who will be attending training classes at, or otherwise visiting, the ITEC.

To read IUOE General President James T. Callahan’s letter see the picture below.

To read the ITEC Vaccination Policy: Click here

Student Award Program deadline is quickly approaching

The Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada has financially supported students with their education through the Student Award Program. Awards are offered each year for a student enrolled in a full-time program at a recognized Canadian accredited post-secondary institution. To qualify, an applicant must be a son, daughter, or ward of a person whose principal income is derived from the pipeline construction industry. The parent or guardian of the applicant must be employed by or have a history of employment with a company that is a member or partner of […]

The Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada has financially supported students with their education through the Student Award Program. Awards are offered each year for a student enrolled in a full-time program at a recognized Canadian accredited post-secondary institution.

To qualify, an applicant must be a son, daughter, or ward of a person whose principal income is derived from the pipeline construction industry. The parent or guardian of the applicant must be employed by or have a history of employment with a company that is a member or partner of the Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada.

The deadline for applications is October 15, 2021 at 12:00pm. Click the link below to apply.

For more information and to apply visit:

Open Letter Response

On September 12, Business Manager Mike Gallagher received an emailed letter expressing frustration and disapproval over the Union’s policies on COVID-19 vaccinations. Below is a copy of Business Manager Gallagher’s response.  It explains the facts, safety concerns and legal issues that have formed the reasons behind Local 793’s decisions about dealing with COVID-19 and implementing vaccination policies.

On September 12, Business Manager Mike Gallagher received an emailed letter expressing frustration and disapproval over the Union’s policies on COVID-19 vaccinations.

Below is a copy of Business Manager Gallagher’s response.  It explains the facts, safety concerns and legal issues that have formed the reasons behind Local 793’s decisions about dealing with COVID-19 and implementing vaccination policies.

Ontario’s proof-of-vaccination policy starts today

How to get your proof of vaccination? Starting September 22nd, persons 12 and older must provide proof of full vaccination (2 doses) and government issue ID (driver’s license, health card) to access certain indoor businesses and settings. Follow the steps below to get your proof of vaccination (vaccine receipts) if you have a green health card. If you have a red and white health card you need to call 1-833-943-3900 to access your vaccination documents. Steps to follow: Visit and click the “Get your vaccine receipt” button. After reading the […]

How to get your proof of vaccination?

Starting September 22nd, persons 12 and older must provide proof of full vaccination (2 doses) and government issue ID (driver’s license, health card) to access certain indoor businesses and settings. Follow the steps below to get your proof of vaccination (vaccine receipts) if you have a green health card.

If you have a red and white health card you need to call 1-833-943-3900 to access your vaccination documents.

Steps to follow:

  1. Visit and click the “Get your vaccine receipt” button.
  2. After reading the terms of use, click the check box saying “I have read and understand the terms of use” and click continue.
  3. Enter your health card information in the appropriate fields and click continue.
  4. Click on the “Vaccination receipts” option
  5. If you’ve had 2 doses, both receipts will be available for you to download. Click on your options to “Download the receipt”.
  6. Click on the print or download option to get a copy of your vaccine receipts.

NOTE:   On October 22nd, the provincial government will be launching an enhanced digital vaccine certificate with unique QR codes to make the proof of vaccination process easier.

For more information on how Ontario’s COVID-19 vaccine certificate program works:

Another Liberal Minority Government with Trudeau

Justin Trudeau will again be Canada’s Prime Minister in another minority government. With the mail-in ballots still to be fully counted, the Liberals are projected to form the 44th Canadian Parliament. The Conservative Party of Canada, led by Erin O’Toole will be the official opposition to the Liberal Party. The bottom line is that the final seat tally may not look very different from the composition of the House of Commons when it was dissolved six weeks ago. Trudeau called a quick election hoping to form a majority government with […]

Justin Trudeau will again be Canada’s Prime Minister in another minority government.

With the mail-in ballots still to be fully counted, the Liberals are projected to form the 44th Canadian Parliament. The Conservative Party of Canada, led by Erin O’Toole will be the official opposition to the Liberal Party.

The bottom line is that the final seat tally may not look very different from the composition of the House of Commons when it was dissolved six weeks ago.

Trudeau called a quick election hoping to form a majority government with at least 170 seats. As of early morning Tuesday September 21, the unofficial result showed the Liberals winning 158 seats – a minority government.

Minority governments typically last less than two years. Given the “status quo” type results of last night’s election, it is highly unlikely there will be an earlier election, especially given that this election cost taxpayers over $600 million.

As a minority government, what this means is that for the Liberals to follow through with their political agenda, they will have to work with other parties, likely the NDP, in order to get budgets and other key legislation passed.

In his victory speech, Trudeau said the result suggests Canadians are “sending us back to work with a clear mandate to get Canada through this pandemic and to brighter days ahead.”

Here are some key goals set out in the Liberal campaign policy platform titled “Forward. For Everyone”:

1) Finishing the Fight Against COVID-19

  • Mandatory vaccines on planes, trains, and in the federal public service.
  • Support proof-of-vaccination credentials.
  • Safer indoor spaces, like schools and businesses, with better ventilation.
  • Free vaccine boosters, for everyone.

2) A Home. For Everyone.

  • Unlock home ownership for the middle class.
  • 4 million new homes.

3) A More Resilient Economy

  • Bring all businesses along to recovery and support them to hire the help they need.
  • A better Employment Insurance system to support gig workers, self-employed people, and give workers more financial security.
  • Address underrepresented groups in the workforce to build a more vibrant and diverse workforce.
  • Creating opportunities for everyone.
  • $10 a day child care to make life affordable for families.

4) A Cleaner, Greener Future

  • Create green jobs in communities across Canada and across sectors.
  • Boost clean and renewable power from coast to coast to coast.

Click the link below to read the full Liberal policy platform, Forward. For Everyone.

Data shows that COVID-19 vaccines work

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) continually releases data on COVID-19 and recently released stats on how COVID-19 affects the unvaccinated and vaccinated populations in Canada. As of August 28, 2021, the bottom line is that over 80% of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths occurred in unvaccinated people.  By comparison, 2.5% or less of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths occurred in fully vaccinated people. This stark difference, based on the data, shows that COVID-19 vaccines work to help prevent people from getting the virus and from experiencing serious health […]

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) continually releases data on COVID-19 and recently released stats on how COVID-19 affects the unvaccinated and vaccinated populations in Canada.

As of August 28, 2021, the bottom line is that over 80% of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths occurred in unvaccinated people.  By comparison, 2.5% or less of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths occurred in fully vaccinated people. This stark difference, based on the data, shows that COVID-19 vaccines work to help prevent people from getting the virus and from experiencing serious health effects.


American Civil Liberties Union: Vaccine mandates further civil liberties

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) initially reacted to the idea of COVID-19 vaccine mandates with skepticism. But in early September, the organization endorsed vaccine requirements, adopting the argument that mandatory inoculations against COVID-19 “further civil liberties” by protecting the most vulnerable. “At the ACLU, we are not shy about defending civil liberties, even when they are very unpopular. But we see no civil liberties problem with requiring COVID -19 vaccines in most circumstances,” wrote David Cole, the ACLU’s legal director, and Daniel Mach, the director of its program on […]

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) initially reacted to the idea of COVID-19 vaccine mandates with skepticism. But in early September, the organization endorsed vaccine requirements, adopting the argument that mandatory inoculations against COVID-19 “further civil liberties” by protecting the most vulnerable.

“At the ACLU, we are not shy about defending civil liberties, even when they are very unpopular. But we see no civil liberties problem with requiring COVID -19 vaccines in most circumstances,” wrote David Cole, the ACLU’s legal director, and Daniel Mach, the director of its program on freedom of religion and belief.

“In fact, far from compromising civil liberties, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties. They protect the most vulnerable among us, including people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated and communities of color hit hard by the disease.”

Read the ACLU’s stance on COVID-19 vaccine mandates: